miércoles, 25 de abril de 2018

El adiós y el dolor en una canción

This song was sent straight from Heaven. I still can't believe all the miracles that took place in writing this song and putting this video together. Last year I received a message from a sweet girl named Dominique. She had just been through something that is probably one of the hardest things a mother could go through. At 30 weeks pregnant her baby Porter was stillborn. She asked if I could write a song in his memory for her and her family. For weeks I tried to write and nothing, then weeks turned into months, still nothing. Then one day I was sitting at my piano so frustrated trying to pull words and a melody from anywhere. I got up from my piano ready to give up once again, and I said to myself "There are no words that I could write that would ease her pain." And then the first line just came and the rest of the song was finished in a few minutes. I am so thankful for music, and that I was able to be a voice for Dominique and for Mothers everywhere who have experienced the loss of a child through miscarriage or still birth. We hope this song brings you comfort!

Una canción que transmite tanto... he llorado muchísimo. Qué duro despedirse de alguien a quién amas con todo tu corazón, tan indefenso, tan pequeño... Qué injusto. 

Las imágenes... Qué afortunados los pocos valientes que hicieron fotos a su amor... yo me preguntaba como podía hacer fotos del peor momento de mi vida...y no pude. Me he arrepentido cada segundo desde entonces. 

En realidad, con el tiempo, he sentido que las familias que pasamos por la muerte de un hijo somos, en cierto modo, afortunadas. Tenemos una conexión profunda con algo más allá de la vida, algo duradero y que une para siempre. El duelo es un camino hacia la sabiduría, la paz interior. Superar el duelo supone adquirir profundidad espiritual y también nos aporta creatividad que nos ayuda a seguir adelante y nos llena de luz. El arte me ha acompañado mucho durante este año, y estos padres han sabido canalizar su dolor para crear algo realmente hermoso.